Pre-Packaged Discs

These are convenient pre-configured packages. Select the options you require to customize your finished products.

Custom CD Sleeves

CDs In Sleeves

Starting At: $0.66 each

Custom CD wallet holding 1 disc

CDs in Wallets - Single Disc

Starting At: $0.74 each

CDs in wallets

CDs in Wallets - 2 Discs

Starting At: $1.15 each

Two men displayed on CD Digipaks

2 CD's in Digipaks

Starting At: $2.06 each

4 Panel Digipak - Eco Style

CDs in DigiPak

Starting At: $1.08 each

2 CDs in Jewel Case

2 CDs in Black Tray Jewel Cases

Starting At: $1.86 each

Black Tray CD Jewel Cases

CDs in Jewel Cases - Black Tray

Starting At: $1.13 each

2 CDs in Clear Jewel Case

2 CDs in Jewel Cases - Clear Tray

Starting At: $1.84 each

CDs in Clear Jewel Case

CDs in Jewel Cases - Clear Tray

Starting At: $1.13 each

DVDs in Jackets

Pre Packaged DVDs in Jackets

Starting At: $0.83 each

DVDs in Wallets

DVDs in Wallets - 1 Disc

Starting At: $0.91 each

DVDs in Standard DVD Cases

DVDs in Std. DVD Cases

Starting At: $1.19 each

DVDs in Slim DVD Cases

DVDs in Slim DVD Cases

Starting At: $1.08 each

Blu Ray packed in cases

Blu-Rays in Cases

Starting At: $2.17 each

Blu Ray packed in Slim cases

Blu-Rays in Slim Cases

Starting At: $2.04 each

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